Today’s sweater


For Day 5 of Knitting and Crochet Blog Week the challenge is to try something a bit different.

Deep breath… inspired by Brenda Dayne’s “Today’s sweater” feature on her brilliant Cast-on podcast I have made an audioboo of the sweater project I’ve been working on today.

So, here is my little version of “Today’s sweater” — you may also be able to hear my dog Willy woofing in the background. Willy says hello too.

I think the WordPress player requires Flash so I hope it works for you — if not you can pop over to Audioboo and listen there.


  • Pattern: “Cable Tweed Sweater” by Erika Knight, from her book Men’s knits.
  • Yarn: Debbie Bliss Luxury Donegal Tweed Chunky, colour “Denim”. 

10 responses to “Today’s sweater

  1. It’s so great to hear your voice. I liked the background noise, especially the birds tweeting, it gave me a sense of your surroundings. I didn’t actually hear Willy, but I clicked on the pic and he’s delightful! 🙂

    • Thank you, and likewise! It is nice to hear a person’s voice so you hear the person next time you read their blog. Willy was sitting quite nearby woofing at the birds!

    • Thanks Steven! I feel like we have met properly now, I heard your voice in that little video… so we’re even.

  2. Excellent post! I love having a voice to put with your blog:)

    • Thanks Karen, probably makes it feel more personal. I was strangely quite nervous about doing it, but I’m glad I did.

  3. I love your accent!!!! And the birds!

  4. Hi Tony, I am just getting caught up with some blogs as I have been away. I loved your audioboo! Brilliant. You have a great voice… 🙂 More audioboos please!

    • Thanks Martine, very kind. I have no idea how you manage to make an entire podcast, took me three attempts to make my 2 minute audioboo!

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