Stitchonomy gloves

A few weeks back I won two skeins of Morris Pure wool yarn in the Stitchonomy competition on Ravelry… Yay!!

A week later I went in to see Raynor and pick up my stash prize. What a great colour… a beautiful soft mid-blue called “Blue Jeans”.  I’ve started on a pair of warm fingerless gloves, perfect for early morning dog walks and bike riding to work. One glove done, one to go…

I also finished one of my socks a couple of days ago and was ready to put it aside to start on these gloves, but my Twitter peeps warned me of the dreaded sock curse. If you don’t immediately cast on the second sock, certain disaster awaits and it could be YEARS until you get your socks finished. In Kate’s case this turned out to be actually true as she is still working on a pair of socks she put down in 2007.

So, while watching Dr Who last night I cast on and knitted the cuff of my second sock… I wonder if there’s a glove curse too?

2 responses to “Stitchonomy gloves

  1. Knit a sock, knit a glove, knit a sock, knit a glove… I think that may be the key to treating the symptoms of Second Sock Syndrome. You’re onto something!

  2. Wonderful and cozy projects. I never get second sock syndrome, but second glove one is a definite for me!

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